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Lantern Walk?

Solstice Lantern Walk is an annual winter-themed event and a cherished community tradition in Hillsborough, NC.

Participants are invited to craft a handmade lantern before the event and gather at Hillsborough's Farmers Market Pavilion (144 E. Margaret Ln) on Winter Solstice, i.e. the darkest night of the year. You can learn more about Solstice Lantern Kits, Workshops, and more resources for crafting your lantern here!

After sundown, participants take part in a meditative procession along Eno River’s Riverwalk trail, lighting our collective path toward warmer, brighter days ahead. You can learn more about the 2024 lantern walk route here

Thanks to the generous support of Hillsborough's Tourism Board, the North Carolina Arts Council, Business Sponsorship, and Individual Sustainers who support our mission of enriching community through the arts, HAC is thrilled to introduce Solstice Market as a part of the annual Solstice Lantern Walk.

Solstice Market takes place, 5-8 PM, under the Farmers Market Pavilion and features local artists, live music, interactive activities, hot drinks, and warm food for everyone to enjoy before and after the lantern walk. 

Registration is required to attend in this event in support of crowd management and grant reporting for the Hillsborough Arts Council. This event is free with a Suggested Donation of $5-10 per participant. Click here to register for your 2024 tickets! 


Confirming you've registered for the Solstice Lantern Walk may also allow you to receive in-town Solstice Specials & Promotions at some of your favorite local businesses. We encourage visitors to explore historic Hillsborough and continue Solstice celebrations throughout the Winter Season, supporting local artists and Hillsborough businesses. 

Our State
Hillsborough’s Lantern Walk joins countless other solstice observations around the world and throughout history. Thousands flock to Stonehenge to watch the sun rise with exquisite precision through the towering megaliths. Iranians observe Yalda, an ancient Persian festival marking the power of light over darkness, by staying awake past midnight, reading poetry, and eating dried nuts and fruits. Some Native American tribes perform rituals to honor the sun and invoke agricultural prosperity for the coming spring. Solstice rituals underscore that all things are passing — no matter how dark things may get, brighter days are ahead.

Bridget Booher
Our State Magazine, 2020

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Click below to read about the inspiration behind this beloved community event from former HAC Board Member and an innovator behind Hillsborough's Handmade Parade & Solstice Lantern Walk, Tinka Jordy.

Photos & Videos

Click to enlarge.

Aerial Views

2022 footage courtesy of @Durham_Cool!

2022 footage courtesy of Triangle on the Cheap!

2022 Moon Man Mini Doc

Edited and directed by Zola Ramirez & Sol Ramirez of 1,2,3 Puppetry.

Have photos you'd like to share to be added to this page?


Email us to share your Solstice Lantern Walk & Market Photography.

Please be sure to include your desired name for photo credit!

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