In the HAC/OFMG Satellite Gallery
This community gallery was made possible by a partnership between the Hillsborough Arts Council and Orange Family Medical Group, with installation support from Yesterday and Today Frame Shop.
Recognizing the powerful potential for artwork to provide comfort and healing, we are grateful for the opportunity to showcase work by local artists in this context.
HAC's Satellite Gallery program seeks to expand our collective support of local artists and create more spaces for diversity in Hillsborough arts events & programs. Read on the learn more about the current artist and exhibition, and explore the Satellite Gallery during Last Fridays & the Art Walk!
Silent Beauty from Within
Illustrations by Ingrid Harm-Ernandes
Artist Statement:
I have been painting and drawing for the majority of my life. My most common themes always relate to nature, botanicals, animals, and iconic scenes such as lighthouses. I have been fortunate to work as a health care provider in pelvic health. I am fortunate to see people blossom and realize that their entire core, including their pelvis, is something that is positive and a welcoming part of their body. My other lifelong love is gardening. By combining these two loves I hope to demonstrate that the pelvic area is one to be thought of as a positive part of our bodies that can grow, bloom and help us fully be ourselves.
I am excited to exhibit my art work, entitled Silent Beauty from Within, at the Orange Family Medical Group. I look at nature as a wonderful source of enjoyment, a place to rejuvenate, to build our immune system, and a place to reflect. It is easy to see the beauty in nature but much harder to recognize the beauty from within ourselves, particularly when it is associated with our pelvic region.

Learn more about Ingrid Harm-Ernandes:
Instagram: @harmernandes
LinkedIn: Ingrid-Harm-Ernandes
Facebook: ingrid.harmernandes.71
Book: The Musculoskeletal Mystery: How to Solve Your Pelvic Floor Symptoms
I hope that when someone looks at my art work they can look at the delicate, yet resilient nature of both flowers and the pelvis. They can see the positive nature of pelvic health as well overall health. That life can bring enjoyment and we can do great things, even when we think we no longer are able. My goal as both a practitioner and an artist is that I can encourage conversation around pelvic health and help people reach out and get help if they need it or become and advocate for someone else suffering with pelvic health issues. I hope that when someone sees my work they can reflect and realize that we all have “Silent Beauty from Within”.
Inner Visions
Artwork by Janice Geller
Artist Statement:
Inner Visions is an intimate glimpse into artist Janice Geller's inner world of dreams and awakenings of the unconscious. The art revolves around the processes Janice uses to create her paintings - art created after exploring vivid dreams, inner meditations, Authentic Movement, active imagination, inner body states, shared stories and the allure of nature.
"My art started as a way to process my inner life. A way to make conscious what was hiding in the recesses of my unconscious, the dark shadow parts as well as my true nature. My intention as an artist is to invite the viewer to be curious, to move into a space of their own imagination, and speculate about what the artwork inspires in them."

Learn more about Janice Geller:
Instagram: @artsgellery
These paintings juxtapose people from various cultures and races interacting with each other, spiritual beings, and imaginary animal-like creatures. The images draw from a variety of cultural traditions, mythologies, and religious backgrounds. Arising from Janice's background as a psychotherapist, educator, writer and dancer, the images surface from the personal experience of traveling, teaching, and working with diverse populations of people, as well as her individual cultural background. The aim is to offer the viewer new perspectives, and a creative understanding of cultural differences. Janice enjoys exploring various mediums including acrylic and oil paints, watercolor inks, alcohol inks, oil pastels, watercolors, and collage elements.
JANUARY 6 - JUNE 2, 2025
If you'd like to purchase art work on display in the HAC Satellite Gallery, please contact the
HAC Gallery & Gift Shop, within easy walking distance, at 102 N Churton St.
Orange Family Medical Group, Hillsborough: 210 S Cameron St, Hillsborough, NC
Mon-Thurs, 8-7
Fri, 8-5
Sat, 9-1
Questions about the Satellite Gallery?
Please contact us at